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Private Group Classes

Want to attend a class? 

Have a group that you'd like to do it with?

We can schedule a private group class of 2 or more people for you!

Each private group class is customizable:
-Type of class/type of items worked on
-Date and Time ( we work with your schedule)
-Group rates!

Optional Themes:
BYOB/Wine & Art, Birthday, Anniversary, Charcuterie night, Christmas/ Holiday Party, Business Event, etc.

Fill out our contact form below or give us a call!
We are ready to set up your class!

Lets plan your event!...

Fill out this form and we will be in touch!

(Min. of 2 people)

Is this your first time attending?
Anniversary/Couples Event
Holiday Party
Business Event

This helps us determine the type of class for you!

Theme options
WIne & Art
Charcuterie Night
Gentlemen's Night
Girls Night Out

These are just ideas. If you have your own ideas, please mention them below!

Type of class: (Possible Items to work on. You can choose more than one that may interest you, but only one type will be done for the class.)

If you're not sure just pick a couple that interest you!

This doesn't have to be exact, just an approximate. We can secure the date and time at the time of booking!

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